If you own a lawn, whether it’s too little to mention or a vast one, you’ll need a lawnmower. The mower will keep the grasses tidy, keeping them in a beautiful shape.
What’s the point of having a lawn if it doesn’t beautify your house a bit more?
In this article, I will explain things you should remember while buying a pre-owned lawnmower.
Saying again, I tried to enlist some good deal at the very end. If you are willing to purchase online, you should check those right away and grab yours before someone else grabs it.
DO NOT FORGET to read my online used product buying guide too before approaching. You will find that below.

How to find a used riding lawn mower for sale under 500 dollars (near me)
Let’s get straight to the main focus. You could buy it in two different ways.
You could buy it directly from an online store like eBay, or buy a secondhand riding lawn mower for sale by the owner, going directly to the owner’s doorstep.
Whatever you do, one thing you have to do first. It collects information on appealing deals. Nothing except the internet can help you in this regard.
Another thing you need to know first, it’s the current market price of what riding lawn mower you’d be buying.
So firstly, you need to properly use the search engines like Google, Bing, etc, near you to get to know who is selling a riding lawn mower and leaving it cheap.
After finding a deal with which you could move forward, check its current market price at once.
(More info on finding the latest market price effectively can be found later in a later portion of this article).
It will help you to find the greatest deal and decide later.
Search online for a Pre-Owned riding mower
I mainly wrote this article to help you get a used riding lawn mower for under 500 dollars. You should extract the best out of this money.
Let’s get back to where I derailed a bit earlier.
As said before, you could purchase going in two different ways; you shouldn’t fix how you’d buy before checking both. You do not know where you’d find the deal you were looking for.
However, riding a lawnmower is a relatively bigger item Considering other items mainly being sold on eBay, there is a chance that you won’t get results that would soothe your quest.
If this happens, do not get disheartened yet. This is not the end, and you still have plenty of things to do.
eBay is a very trusty marketplace, as you could claim a refund if anything goes wrong with the product.
No seller could get away with selling a faulty product without mentioning it.
So, if you want to purchase it from someone who wants to sell his/her used riding lawn mower online, eBay is the place you should place your trust on.
Now, if you can’t find any suitable listing by a google search – you should go directly to Ebay.com and search using their search bar. Now you will find all the active listings on riding lawnmowers.
Not every listing would be a used listing, but I’m sure you’d do okay figuring out the used listings from the fetched result.

Preowned mower buying guide
As you have gotten some used listings on eBay, it is time for you to go through some basic precautions.
As you are purchasing from an online store, eBay here in this context – you should seriously consider how much warranty is left for the product.
You are buying from an unknown person, and you do not know how mannerly the old owner used the lawnmower. Warranty is your savior here in case anything goes wrong shortly.
It’s not like you always will find a used riding lawn mower with an acceptable warranty period, but do try to get your hand on one with a moderate warranty left.
I talked about the importance of revealing the current market price earlier. Now I will be talking about how you can find the latest market price online accurately.
Amazon is a great source of getting a glimpse of the latest price of any product. You can get your desired riding lawn mower’s current market price.
But there is a complication, still. Amazon often tweaks prices to ensure the best customer experience and interaction. It is possible that maybe amazon is showing a bit of increased or decreased price.
A website called ‘camelcamelcamel.com’ could come in handy in this regard. This particular website actively traces different amazon products’ prices all time. If you want to get a detailed graph of how the prices have been in recent years, you could do suc
Here’s an example; please refer to the image below.

As you can see, the picture above depicts the price of a Husqvarna MZ61 from time to time. You can find the amazon price and the price set by any third-party vendor (if there is any).
Easy right?
But the complication is not over yet. You will not always find your desired riding lawn mower at amazon.com. Amazon has a very limited collection of lawn tractors. Especially riding lawnmowers.
So, it is very likely that you might not find your desired riding yard mower or mulcher at amazon. You will have to google it then to get the latest price.
You will find many results containing prices in google local search results. You can get the latest price from there.
Adjustable blade height:
Check the blade height settings carefully to see whether it works flawlessly or not.
Merchant reputation:
While purchasing from eBay, merchant reputation is a considerable fact. Reputed sellers won’t try to persuade you to buy a defective product.
It’s not like they never try to sell slightly defective products, but they discuss the faults in the listing description.
And the thing is, MOST OF THE TIME, THESE ARE FOUND TO BE SOME VERY GOOD DEALS. If you need to fix some little things which won’t cost more than a hundred bucks but saves a grand, wouldn’t you take it?
Anyway, I personally prefer sellers over 99.7% at least. If it is 99.6%, it is worth a look but be cautious. This seller might do something wrong before.
Previous buyer’s rating:
This would help you a bit more to reveal the Seller’s reputation. If past buyers of the seller tell the seller is cool, he is probably truly cool.
Usage history:
I was talking about some basic ground rules for eBay purchases before now. But we were here to buy a riding lawn mower at a really, really cheap price, right?
Now, our task is to collect information on the mower we are trying to buy. You could always ask the seller.
Ask about its usage history, if any damage partook, and what actions were taken – these sorts of things.
Most of the time, you will get important information in the listing description. Remember to read the listing page thoroughly.
Test drive:
If you could give it a try before buying, that’d be great right? See if the seller accepts it.
Searching offline
Though the title here implies ‘searching offline, it doesn’t necessarily mean you rush outside and ask people out. It starts online. Craigslist is a great source of used products.
The problem is that those aren’t always reliable choices. This world is full of con artists, and craigslist is not devoid of them. Being extremely cautious is the key here.
However, search “used mowers for sale under $500 craigslist”. It will show craigslist listings for used lawnmowers. You can check along as many as possible to find exciting yet reliable deals.
You won’t always get suggestions from around you, though, it depends on GPS, and it is not accurate consistently.
Wouldn’t it be great if I find not only a riding lawn mower around me but also from craigslist?
Craigslist is a very big and vast marketplace. It is a difficult task to find one specific listing using a craigslist search.
Here’s a hack, you can access the craigslist version made for your area. Replace the WWW portion from www.craigslist.com with your area name.
For example, say you live in Albuquerque. Go to albuquerque.craigslist.com.
Say you live in Chicago, go to chicago.craigslist.com
You won’t find your desired version every time. But most of the time, you would cause they made a lot of versions.
Facebook can be another source of well-used products. You will have to be cautious, though, but most of the time, they are reliable.
I will be mentioning some listings from Facebook at the very last of this article. Keep tuning.
Here is a mower buy-sell group I recently found.. More than 49k members. You can join and check for available products.
Three things you consider before deciding to buy versus buying in-store
- Online stores will give you versatility and a lot of options to choose from:
If you are a john deere tractor fan. Just search “used john deere lawn mower for sale,” and you will get a good lead. Do you want a toro?
Search “used toro lawn mower for sale.” Physical stores won’t give you this versatility. It would be best if you had a mower with a 38inch deck; you can always search “38” used riding lawn mower for sale.” For this convenience, I’d +1 online store here.
- In terms of reliability, both online and offline stores shine equally:
Not long ago, scams were a regular thing while purchasing something online. But now the internet is a better place.
Thanks to the stores like Amazon and eBay for making it possible. You will get exactly what you ordered if you purchase from these reputed stores. In case any problem occurs, most of the time this is covered by warranty. So no problem.
- But if you want utter mental peace, go to a store, touch it, feel the presence and then buy:
In this regard, physical stores always climb over online stores. You won’t have to pay in advance and wait for the product.
Pay the cash, and drive your own riding lawn mower to your house, haha. And in case you buy an electric lawnmower, it always feels great to know the seller personally.
Some Used listings worth checking Near You
1) A Cub Cadet LT 1046 is up for sale. The seller priced it at 500$, worth checking.

- 54” cut
- 23 hp Kohler engine
- The seller will provide a new battery, a new deck belt, and a new carburetor.
- Lastly, Hydrostatic transmission.
2) Craftsman riding lawn mower is up for sale at Lynnwood.

- 16 horsepower Engine from Kohler.
- 46” cutting deck with triple blades.
- New drive belt
- It might have a Hydrostatic Transmission; ensure it from the seller.
3) Grab this troy for just 150$ (Edgewood)

Not much was given here. According to the seller, it just came out of storage, it needs some additional tuning and gas to make it run again.
Very shady cause you are getting a riding lawn mower paying the price of a reel mower. A small self-propelled lawnmower sometimes costs more than that. Call him and clear every issue.
This deal has gone underwater too.
4) Used John Deere mower

Here’s a John Deere for you, and it’s from reliable eBay. Place your bid here if your finance approves.
Not much was given here, either. Contact the seller. It will be more authentic than the previous craigslist one, that’s a promising thing.
Nope, just checked, and it’s not there anymore.
I hope this article finds you in time when it’s not too late. Anyway, don’t get disheartened if you cannot grab a deal stated above just because you weren’t here in time.
There are always new and very good deals coming.
That’s why I focused more on revealing how to find good products rather than showing you a bunch of used riding lawnmowers that I know would never be available for long.

Hi, This is George. Founder Of Vacuumist.com. Completed my graduation in Bachelor of Business Administration. Proud father of two lovely baby girls. Reviewing home appliances is my passion. Developing this blog to update and publish my recent reviews and research. Stay in touch.