The vacuum cleaner is one of the common cleaning gadgets. And while it’s about purchasing a good one, Shark vacuums are often preferred. Maybe you also have one.
Along with its well-working reputation, users often face common problems in its use.
Actually, it’s normal to have problems with any kind of machinery we use daily.
While a vacuum cleaner works the dirt cleaning job for us, having technical problems often is nothing strange.
There might be problems in the setup or in any inner function or sometimes in particular major parts. However, whatever it is, all of them are fixable.
Are you facing any of them? Don’t panic.
Here in this article, we will provide you with the solution to most faced problems along with effective instructions for accurate use.
Because many times wrong use can create sudden problems. Check below to troubleshoot your shark vacuum cleaner problems.
Shark Vacuum Troubleshooting – Repair and problem-fixing guide

The Basic Checking
The very first thing you need to check is the warranty information.
If the malfunction you are facing or might face in the future, is covered by the warranty – you are good enough to get free servicing or even better, a whole new unit (depending on warranty terms & conditions).
Know warranty details from the sales representative if bought from a physical store.
Suppose you have bought it from You will get the warranty information from the product listing page on Amazon. An example is given to you below.
Please click on the product listing page of the Shark APEX given below and find the downloadable warranty information stored in a PDF format.
It is located right beside the portion where basic product specifications are given. Please scroll down a bit, and you will find it in no time.
If you still do not have a shark vacuum cleaner or have been planning to get a new one, you should take a Shark APEX. A mechanism is implemented in this vacuum cleaner which actively helps to prevent hair wrap on the brush roll.
For your information, most of the time, hair wrap is the reason for malfunctioning.
While buying the gadget, you are provided a manual instruction book for the accurate setup inside the packaging.
Anyway, if you lost that or did not have that for a reason, there is no need to be worried. There must be a dedicated product page for which you are looking on You can find the manual there.
The manual of the Shark APEX is found for you. Refer to the image below.

However, if you are done with the basic instructions and still your vacuum cleaner is not working, there must be some silly facts you need to check out.
This is basic checking. It’s kind of restarting the vacuum cleaner. Many times just by restarting the vacuum cleaner it starts working again.
Here are the steps.
Unplug: If your vacuum is not working the first time, unplug it. Remove all the connections and disconnect from the electricity.
Turn off: There is an ‘On-off’ option on the vacuum cleaner. Press the option and select that mode. Turn off the roll-on brush option as well.
Filter replacement: Usually, the vacuum cleaner stops working while the filter is full. Every filter has limited space to gather dust. I
t can’t load dust when there is no space left in the filter. So, check if something like that happened and replace it with a clean one.
Cool it: Give your vacuum a rest for 50 minutes. Let it cool to work well again. Often, after sucking heavy dust, a 30-50 minute rest is essential. After a short break, the device works at full speed.
Turn on: You need to turn on the device now. Press the ‘I-on’ option to turn the cleaner on. Turn on the ‘brush roll on’ option, also. Check if everything is absolutely fine.
Plug again: Now, attach the plug to the switchboard. Fix it accurately because a loose connection can be a reason for not working. Check the switchboard as well. Because sometimes the main connection becomes the main fact.
Repair the fuse: It won’t work in case of a fuse connection. Find out if anything like this happened. Repair it first and then plug in the vacuum cleaner.
This is the restarting process. If your vacuum cleaner is working, your basic problem is removed, and if not, there must be any major issue. Don’t worry; we will suggest you a way of troubleshooting the major problems as well.
If no other method works for you, these accessories should be replaced.
So, the basic problem is done. Now it’s the turn for the major issues. Here they are.
Troubleshooting the Common Shark Vacuum Problems or Errors
Among users who faced problems in using the device, most of the cases are similar. That’s why we have collected the most common problems and suggested an effective solution for users.
If you are having one of them, follow the instruction and fix it on your own. Here are the problems and their solution.
Dirty Filter
After a blocked brush roll, dirty filters come to the limelight as the reason for malfunctioning a vacuum cleaner.
A dirty filter can be a reason for your not working vacuum cleaner. Just like the dust cup, you need to clean the filters.
Normally, there are 2 filters on the top of the motor. One is the foam filter, and the other is the felt. Both filters must be cleaned once a month.
To fix the problem just take out the two filters and wash them with warm water (not too hot). Dry them and fix them back. Your vac will work again.
These filters are not meant to serve forever. If it is too dirty to be properly washed, or if you think you should buy a new one – you may use the search bar below.
Not turning On
It happens many times that the setup is done awesomely, and you have followed every single instruction given in the manual, but still, it’s not connecting.
Don’t freak out. In such cases, the actual problems remain on the plug or the main connection. If you are facing this, just check the plug to see if it’s okay or not.
If everything is okay, check the switchboard and the main connection area. I hope you will sort it out.
Auto Turn off
it usually happens that you turn it on, and it gets turned off itself. Irritating right? The reason behind this is the loose connection or the problem with the motor.
Check out the motor and fix it if it has lost its working power. Apply the restart procedure we have suggested in the basic setup; you will get a good result.
Overloaded Dust Cup
Mainly, the dust cup collects all the dust and stuck dirt. So, it’s obvious to clean the dust cup at least 3 days a week. Your vacuum cleaner dust cup has a fixed space to gather dust.
Once the cup is full, it’s normal to stop working. So, if your vac is not working, check the dust cup. Besides, according to the cup’s size have an idea of how much dust it can load and when you should clean it.
Prevent your shark vacuum from losing suction and details on the dust cup.
Stuck Brush
If you know all the parts of your vacuum cleaner, you know how important a roller brush is. Because of heavy and sticky dust, the roller gets stuck and stops spinning.
Dust like hair, yarn, and other small materials get stuck into the brush and stop it from working. To fix this, you need to clean the roller and the brush as well.
You can give it a dry wash with an old used toothbrush. In case of too much dirt, cut the debris. So basically, cleaning the brush will fix the problem.
Not Charging
Your shark vacuum may not take charge for several reasons, such as
- The battery is completely degraded, and it refuses to take any charge. This is a very valid reason the users face. We will be discussing deeper about battery degradation below.
- After that comes the fact about faulty cables or plugs. So many users are pretty careless about their cable connection and leave the power cables under the stand or legs of chairs and other heavy, weighty objects.
In such situations, the cables get heavily bent, and at a point, the cores get damaged or torn off. And this disconnects the power, and charging gets ruined.
Changing the cord may solve the issue.
- Faulty power outlets may create problems sometimes. When the outlet is not capable of delivering enough power and voltage for your device, your vacuum may refuse to take charge.
If you find that, your power outlet is damaged or not delivering adequate charge, try to connect with another outlet or fix it as soon as possible.
- Charging contacts are clogged up with dust, and the charger is not even connecting with the internal connector. As a result, you may see your device is not charging.
In this situation, take a brush or toothpick and clean the contact properly. If it’s too sticky, use 95% Isopropyl Alcohol to clean that.
Problems with The Air Duct
There might be problems in the air duct area. The vacuum sucks all the dust with the help of an air duct. But the sucking process can get stopped because of some reasons.
Sometimes any kind of large and stuck material can block the duct. If your vac has stopped sucking, check the air duct to see if anything has blocked the way.
Wrong Set-up
The wrong setup is an important fact that may cause your vac not to work. To fix it, you need to read the manual very well and follow every single step.
Most of the time, the start option is not turned on, the brush roll option is off, and the vacuum cleaner does not work. So, set it accurately to work correctly.
Motor Replacement
The motor is the major part of the vacuum cleaner. It helps to run it accordingly and provides the power to work.
There might be problems with the motor. In this case, you must replace the motor with a new one. First of all, try to fix it. If it can’t be fixed replace it with a new one.
But it’s better to get a new vacuum cleaner than to buy a motor because the cost is almost equal.
This guide will help, shark navigator upright vacuum motor replacement
A blocked hose can be a reason why the device is not working. Sometimes just like the air duct, the hose also gets blocked by dirt.
Check the hose and pull out the dirt to fix it back to work. A clog in the hose is another reason for the blockage. If there is any clog in the hose, lay the vacuum cleaner down and search for the blockage and clean it out.
Degraded Battery
In case your shark vacuum has stopped working suddenly, there is a large possibility that the battery is completely degraded.
However, a degraded battery would give you some signs before it stops working completely.
If you have been getting a battery backup of fewer than 15 minutes for some days, you have to be sure that the battery will be completely gone in a few days.
According to user reviews, shark vacuum provides around 40 minutes of run time on one charge.
Damage to the battery may get caused by various reasons, such as overcharging, heating, water damage, etc.
Do not overcharge the vacuum; try not to charge with over or lower voltage. So many users charge the device instantly when that is already hot.
Charging produces heat inside the battery, so when you are putting it in charge while it’s hot. Overheating may cause your battery degradation very soon.
Battery issues are pretty common in any kinda electronic device. Same for the Shark Vacuums. Often a shark vacuum battery may last about 2 years.
The company claims a two-year warranty for your shark vacuum battery. According to user reviews, the battery usually doesn’t get degraded within two years.
Also, while replacing the battery, it is recommended to take it from authentic Shark Outlets.
Blockage in the Hose
This video from Clint Moar might help you; watch it.
Nozzle Attachment
Suppose you have done everything excellently. The cup is cleaned, the filter is washed there is no blockage on the air duct or hose, but still, the machine is not working.
Do you know why? Because the main power is not there. You need to attach the nozzle very carefully. Check if the position is accurate.
A loose nozzle won’t provide power to the cleaner, and it won’t turn on.
Abnormal Movement
There are several legitimate reasons behind it.
Firstly, we can talk about the sensors. Your vacuum runs according to the sensor signals. When the sensor is dirty, it may get the wrong signal and make irregular movements.
You need to clean the sensors and recalibrate them to get a fresh performance.
Next, you need to check whether there is any dust or obstacle stuck down at the wheels. This is stopping your shark vacuum from running properly.
Replace the wheels if they are too older or worn out completely.
Sometimes the dust and obstacles reach the main motor, which occurs in abnormal movement or sometimes completely no movement. In this situation, better open the device up and then clean the internal parts properly.
Not connecting to Wi-Fi
This is much more common for shark ion users; the basic reason behind it may be;
- If it is the wrong Password, Write it again properly and try again.
- Your shark ion may be far away from the router, so it is dropping the signal strength.
If it is not connecting yet, maybe there is a system bug. Better restart the router and then the device; it may be helpful.
This is also a massive reason for our shark vacuum not turning on. Overheating causes vital damage to the device internally.
Electrical inconvenience, higher or lower voltage than adequate, maybe a large reason for overheating. Sometimes the airflow gets restricted, which causes overheating in the device.
Check If the dust cup is blocking regular airflow inside the machine. A jammed brush roll also be taken in concern as a reason for overheating.
This overheating may sometimes make your vacuum create unusual noises and other internal troubles. At extreme overheating, the device may vibrate and show weird notifications and signals.
Reset your Shark Vacuum
Finally, for some malfunctioning troubles, you need to reset your shark vacuum. But the fact is, not all of the shark models have a reset button.
So, the very first recommendation for you is to read your device manual properly.
After that, if your vacuum doesn’t have a reset button, then power it off, and wait for a minute. Then plug it in again, and the device will start with a complete reset.
But if you are using, a modernized version, such as the Shark Ion robot, then
Make the device upside down, press the power button for 10 seconds, and the factory reset will start automatically. Wait a minute, and after that, turn the device on again.
As soon as the boot is done, the factory reset is completed.
Also, never try to abort the reset once it is started.
Want to know more about shark vacuum and shark vacuum motor resetting? Read this detailed article properly [Shark Vacuum Motor Reset]
As a vacuum cleaner is a daily helping device, it often gets stopped by various problems. And every time, taking it to mechanics for repair is trouble.
So, it’s awesome to learn to repair it yourself. To do so you need to know the parts of your vacuum cleaner very well. Besides, cleaning them regularly is a must.
Because most of the time, the vacuum cleaner stops working because of the stuck dust and blocked areas.
So, keep your vacuum cleaner clean to provide you with the perfect cleaning service.
Customer Service Help
Every customer gets a minimum of 2 years of warranty (it can be more) while buying the device. So, if you can’t solve the problem, contact customer service at 1-800-798-7398.
I hope the article is helpful. Follow the instructions and troubleshoot your shark vacuum cleaner yourself easily. Thanks for being with us until the end.

Hi, This is George. Founder Of Completed my graduation in Bachelor of Business Administration. Proud father of two lovely baby girls. Reviewing home appliances is my passion. Developing this blog to update and publish my recent reviews and research. Stay in touch.